PowerMate is the coolest volume knob your computer has ever seen - but it’s so much more. You can use it to edit home movies or scroll through long documents or create your next audio masterpiece. How can PowerMate be this cool? Because it’s an assignable controller that you can program to do anything you want, in any application. Customize it to your needs and go wild!
Made of high-quality machined aluminum, PowerMate feels like a solid volume knob pulled right off the front of a world-class stereo. Its heavy weight and tactile feel are a welcome departure from typical plastic USB peripherals.
PowerMate functions beautifully as a convenient volume knob and mute button for music listening on your PC or Mac. But that’s just the beginning of PowerMate’s possibilities. Edit movies just like the pros with PowerMate functioning as your very own Jog/Shuttle wheel. Spin PowerMate to scroll through footage and push the integrated button to cut out unwanted pieces. Use it in audio production to jump from track to track, adjusting volume levels as you go. PowerMate makes editing anything from home movies to your next demo a breeze. It even comes preset to work with iMovie, FinalCut Pro and GarageBand right out of the box!
But the real power of PowerMate is that it’s programmable. You can quickly and easily program it to execute any Key Command, in any application. Program PowerMate to scroll through long Microsoft Word files and save your document when you push its button. Set PowerMate to scrub through songs in sequencers and music apps. Use PowerMate wherever and however you want to make your life easier. Save as many unique settings as you want, PowerMate will remember them all.
Physical specifications
Height: 1.3 in. (33.4 mm)
Diameter: 2.1 in. (53.8 mm)
Weight: .26 lb. (.11 kg)
Cable Length: 22"
USB Extension Cable Length: 40”
Solid polished anodized aluminum
System requirements
Mac: Mac OS 9.0.4 or greater, or OS X, USB port
PC: Windows XP or Vista, USB port
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