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Knowledgebase / FAQ (Intel ITX)

Windows Installation problems with Intel D945GCLF(2)

If you encounter blue screen or pci.sys errors when installing windows, then you maybe are trying to install Win XP SP1. The Intel board requires at least Win XP SP2.

Intel D201GLY, D201GLY2, D201GLY2A does not work (functionality test)

Motherboard starts up, CPU fan is running, but there is no picture displayed:
Is the P4 connector on the board connected to the PSU ? (Otherwise you will not get a picture)
BIOS reset by removing the battery for 30 seconds.

2 components at one IDE-cable:
Start up takes extremely time and/or HDD or DVD drive isn’t recognized?
HDD Jumper isn’t set or is set the wrong.

WLAN not working with Zotac GeForce 9300 ITX WiFi

Ensure that there is set a MAC-address in BIOS.

My Intel ITX mainboard does not work correctly. What can I do ?

1.) Ensure proper power supply ! This is not only choosing the right volt input but the power strength is also important. With eg. a 1,5 Ampere power supply you have at 18W in total at 12V (12 * 1,5). This is not enough for any PC ! Rule of thumb : For VIA PC at least 60W, for Intel Core systems take 84W or even 110W power supplies.
Intel ITX mainboards have to be used in same ways as you would with ATX boards. Therefor they in any case need an ATX compliant power supply.

2.) If you encounter blue screen or pci.sys errors when installing windows, then you maybe are trying to install Win XP SP1. The Intel board requires at least Win XP SP2.

3.) Motherboard starts up, CPU fan is running, but there is no picture displayed:
- Is the P4 connector on the board connected to the PSU ? (Otherwise you will not get a picture) If your PSU does not have a P4 connector, then use an adapter cable (see image at the bottom of this page)
- BIOS reset by removing the battery for 30 seconds.
- Test other RAM modules.
- Check if there is a jumper on the CMOS-jumper. Without the board will not boot.
- Perform a “CLEAR CMOS” by jumper setting.

4.) 2 components at one IDE-cable :
Start up takes extremely time and/or HDD or DVD drive isn’t recognized?
HDD Jumper isn’t set or is set the wrong.

[Jetway] There is no option visible in BIOS to enable automatic booting

In BIOS setup "Power managerment setup" disable "ERP function" first, then go to "Integrated peripherals". Now you can see the setting "PWR status after PWR failure". Please set the "PWR status after PWR failure" function to "Alway On" .

Black display with Cedar-Trail-Series

The Intel graphics card adapter drivers has dualhead-support. If the display is switched to the non-existing second display, then you will see nothing on the primary one. Pressing CTRL+ALT+F1 fixed this.<

Jetway NF9D- or NC9KDL-Mainboard does not boot

If you only have one RAM-module, then it must be inserted into slot SODIMM2. Otherwise the board will not boot up.

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